Thursday, October 11, 2007

عيد الاكل يعود بانتقام.....!!!؟

كل عام و انتم بخير و مبارك عليكم عيد الاكل و عيدكم مبارك.......!!!؟

طبعا بما انه احنا مسلمين، و كلينا كثر الله من امثالنا بهالشهر الفضيلة اكل قارة افريقيا و قطينا قدهم مرتين حق القطاوة، حبيت استفسر عن عاداتكم و تقاليدكم الخالدة في صباحية العيد و اسنينه، انتو تبع اي فئة.....؟!؟!؟

فئة العن ابو الفقر و المشافيح، و الي اشوفه بالجمعية ملون فسفوري خذيته

او فئة لو تعطيني ظهرك اكلك انت بعد، ممن ارهقتهم اقساط الآي فون و الشاليه

و لا فئة ابي اضعف و اوريكم اعضائي التناسلية من برة......!!!؟ طبعا الي شايفينه الحين قناة فالوب و المبيضين، و الابيض اهو الحمار المنوي في طريقه لتلقيح البيضة.....!!!؟

طبعا تحياتنا لكل العصلان، و نقول لهن، الشهر الفضيل كان فرصتكم للمتن، و انشاء الله تستغلون رمضان الياي انشاء الله.....!!!؟

شتبون بعد، خلصت كلامي

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Safat 34 Bloggers Meeting.....!!!

Same place, at 8:30, will be there in an hour, I was occupied with editing a film, and by the way, I'm shooting some of the interviews today, and try to sum up before heading back to Jordan.....!!!

same rule apply, attend and you'll get in Safat asap.....!!!

also, I will post later a questionnaire for the documentary and I would like if you can answer it and send it to my e-mail.....!!!

if you need reference click here....!!!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

صح النوم

منو يطر من منو......؟!؟!؟
طبعا جائزة احلى بوسة في سنة 2007 راحت لهم، عسى الله يتمم لهم على خير.......!!!؟

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I Love YOU Too.....!!!

I have been depressed the last couple of days, and thought today won't be of any difference, but I received a letter from a special woman today that made my day...

(I asked her permission of course before posting it)

What do I miss...

To rely on you as the conversation starter, to make me laugh on your stories. To be able to see your eyes while you talk, your enthusiasm about any thing, you’re usually very excited about what ever you do...

I love that in you.

To draw a huge smile on my face when you try to give me the “I want you” look with your eyebrows lifted high, I smile back, you immediately take away that look to replace it with that sweet smile.

To feel your fist hiding my hand.

I miss seeing your reaction on my silly jokes & your comment that you will try to
make me be more funny. Your sarcasm at that moment is hilarious.

What made me fall in love with you:

Your brain, your heart, your openness and rage, your gentle heart & feelings,
although your external appearance is very strong, yet you have this softness
inside you that holds it up. Not being afraid of being who you are. You make me
laugh, smile. A true open book that took the fear out of my heart. Your honesty.
Your moles.

Still there is a lot more to say, I think those words came out spontaneous and swift, they are close to the first thoughts I had in our first meeting, although the moles were discovered later they are a very liked feature.