Friday, June 29, 2007

The First Kuwaiti Short Film Festival......!!!

Kuwait Cinema Club and Kuwait National Cinema Company (Cinescape) are showing on Saturday June 30th and on Sunday July 1st at the Sha'ab cinema the first Kuwaiti Amature short film festival, where the films of 27 Kuwaiti filmmakers will be screened on cinema alSha'ab theatre.....!!!
26 films minus two victimized films will be shown through out the nights of Saturday (16-1) and Sunday (10-1), only two where banned by the "alAmr bilMa3roof walnahi 3an elMunkar", the Miqdad Al-Qut's "the Beautiful mind of Khalid" "جمال عقل خالد", and Faisal Al-Ibrahim's "Carma" "كارما" were labelled as "one is full of profanity, the other being extrinsic to Kuwaiti culture......!!! and why because a guy brings a girl to his home.......!!! alone.....!!!
"3arayes", "The Joker's Revenge", "Kuwaituna", and "Flight Night" will be
screened among them......!!!
the participating filmmakers:
Mishari al-Arroj
Dawood al-Shuail
Nawaf Buarki
Jarah al-Buloshi
Ahmad Hamada
Mansour Husain al-Mansour
Abrar al-Sayegh
Ala'a al-Muhaini
Faisal al-Duwaisan
Mishal al-Khalil
Jasim al-Nowfli
Mahdi Mardashti
Bader al-Awadhi
Hasan Abdal
Alanod al-Otaibi
Abdulrahman al-Khamees
Hibah al-Oun
Farah al-Gharaballi
Lolowa al-Jeri
Ahmad al-Qattan
Dana Rashid al-Hutaineh
Haitham Budai
all in the company of Directors Habib Husain, Amer al-Zuhair, and others.....!!!
support the Kuwaiti filmmakers, and I'll bring you Rababas........!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Censored in the Don Show.......!!!

that doesn't sound good right, to be censored in the premier of season 2 of the Don Show........!!!

pics are found in Facebook.......!!!

we opened the season with a bang......!!!

Tat, Forza..... Q8, H, and EXzombie......!!!

we talked about many things, Facebook, Samuel Al Jackson, Fozia's anal show, and aliens, Paris Hilton, Vibrators, and many more......!!!

we even made an interview with the alien from Pervertia.......!!!

hope you like it.......!!!

yeah and I was censored cause I said Nigger and talked about the difference between Africans and the slaves in the US.....!!!

Tat thought it would be an insult to his hommies tubac and P didy(who he hates, cause he is a puff......?!?!), represent.....!!!

do you want to participate in the Don Show.....?!?!
then give us a call, or an e-mail......!!!

to hear it.....!!!

to subscribe through iTunes......!!!

I need to inform you and ask you all to update the RSS, and all the technical things, I jumped ship, but still hanging till I return to Jordan to finish the Jump, so it's!!!

thanks and good luck.....!!!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

اسهل طريقة للحصول على جريدة الجريدة.....!!!؟

اتوقع ان الكثيرين قد تعرضوا لهذه المشكلة المزعجة و هي انه ليس باستطاعة احد الحصول على نسخة من صحيفة الجريدة، الكل يدورفي مركز سلطان و الجمعيات، و البقالات و حتى من اشترك يواجه احيانا صعوبات توزيعها.......!!!؟
اذن ما الحل.....!!!؟
اكتشفت طبعا بعد ايام من المحاولة و التكرار، ان هنالك طريقة سهلة جدا و غير معقدة لمن يود الحصول عليها، الطريقة تكمن في ان تذهب الى اي منطقة من مناطق المتدينين او المناطق الاسلامية كقرطبة و كيفان و الفيحاء و غيرهم، و ستجد ان احدا لم يمس هذه الصحيفة، الوطن و الرأي العام قد يكونون مخلصين و لكن ربعنا المتدينين ما يجيسون جريدة الجريدة و كأنها رجس من عمل الشيطان، طبعا قمت بعمل دراسة ميدانية للموضوع و وجدت انه الجريدة تطير من ساعات الصباح الباكر قبل الدوامات في المناطق التي تعتبر ليبرالية او غير متشددة في حين انه المناطق المتدينة مثل قرطبة و الفيحاء فان الذبان يخاف يقرب منها.....!!!؟
فلا تحاتون اذا ما لقيتوا النسخ، دوروا اي مكان يم جمعية احياء تراث او غيرهم من معسكرات التدريب، و راح تلقون الجريدة.....!!!؟
سؤال لكل من يتابعها و يقرأ المذكرات.....
مو جنه الدكتور مصخها ......؟!؟!؟
انا لا متأثر بالفضل او الهاشم او غيرهم، بس بصراحة الدكتور لما اقرى مذكراته ما افهم منها الا انه اهو احسن واحد بالدنيا و انه الكويتي البطل و شيوخنا يهود و دايما ضد الكويت، انا ما اجامل احد حتى شيوخنا و اكثر واحد يتكلم عن اخطائهم بس هذا مصخها، و لا موضوع كل يوم و الثاني كافخ له شيخ او واحد بيقص راسه و ذاك يرفع عليه السلاح، السالفة صارت فلم هندي، و شنو علاقتها بتاريخ الكويت السياسي، انت عندك مشاكل مع الشيوخ خلها لنفسك......!!!؟
بعدين القومية العربية الي يدافع عنها اهي الي قطتنا باكبر مصيبة، ما شفته ينتقد موقفه و يقول انه كان على غلط......!!!؟
انتو شرايكم بالمذكرات.......؟!؟!؟

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Habib Husain film in KCC.....!!!

Just came back from Kuwait Cinema Club, where Director Habib Husain, and Director Abdullah Bushehri were both honored for their outstanding works where Director Habib Husain just won the Nile International Environmental Film Festival's Golden award for the long Documentary film "Reservations.... the last stand"

"المحميات.... الملاذ الاخير"

while Director Abdullah Bushehri has just won the first prize of the GCC's Films from the UAE festival, for his first long documentary film "Losing Ahmed" "فقدان احمد" .

Habib's film was then screened, and as always the film was breath taking, I saw the 13 episodes of his mini series "The Ecosystem, Fragile balance" almost a year ago and still do as it is a Bible in cinematography, "Reservations" was shot before the mini series "Ecosystem", and you can clearly see the fundamentals of his style in these works.....!!!

what is shameful is that these work don't get to reach the silver screen because of the subject it tackles......!!!
the environment, the ecosystem is not a priority in the agendas of TV networks......!!!

and you get fed up after 20 years of running after the networks just to look at the works let alone showing them......!!!

Director Habib Husain, has made more than 80 short films across the middle east, and was the first to implement the genius talent of Dr. Al-Deeqan, in a partnership that set the bar high for the Kuwaiti works, he didn't restrain himself to documentaries, he directed "Symphonic Poem", the TV opera "Ya Sahir el Lail", and "Magazil al-Khair".....!!!

I had the honor to be invited last year by Director Habib Husain, where we saw his hidden (by negligence of Kuwait TV and other Kuwaiti networks) treasure of amazing works of art, I labeled his work after that by "the paintings of motion picture", his scenes are nothing but masterpiece paintings, and even when he sheds the light on pollution, you can't omit how strong the message that the scene shouts through to our minds.......!!!

I think I spotted a couple of bloggers there, as well as Bunaz, who fled away from the scene before I got the chance to talk to him, and ask him about his film "the Decision" "القرار "......?!?!

طالت و تشمخت يا ايران.....!!!؟

اتوقع الكل عرف موضوع الدبلوماسي الكويتي الذي تعرض لإعتداء من قبل ما تم تسميتهم بمجهولين رغم انه بعد هذا الاعتداء تبين ان الامن الايراني المعروف بالباسيج و حماية السفارات هم من كانو خلف هذا التعدي الصارخ، و تهديد الامن الايراني و محاصرته للسفارة الكويتية لما يزيد عن اربع ساعات هو مجرد حلقة اخرى من العبط الايراني في المنطقة.......!!!؟
السكرتير الثاني في سفارة دولة الكويت "محمد الزعبي" و الذي سيعود للكويت ظهر اليوم على الطائرة الاميرية بناء على طلب وزارة الخارجية و متابعة سمو الامير،و فد تعرض له مجموعة من العناصر الامنية الايرانية اثناء خروجه من السفارة بعد انتهاء الدوام الرسمي و قد اجبرته على الترجل من سيارته من امام السفارة في تعد صارخ لحقوق الدبلوماسيين، ثم تم الاعتداء عليه من قبل 6 اشخاص تابعين للجهاز الامني الايراني امام مرأى الحرس الثوري و حرس السفارة و قد منعوا من التدخل من قبل الحرس الثوري.......!!!؟
يذكر ان الخارجية الكويتية قد استدعت سفير ايران لدي الكويت "علي جنتي" المساعد السابق لوزير الداخلية الايراني في الشؤون السياسية و قدمت له مذكرة الاحتجاج الرسمية ، و لا ندري هل سيتم تصعيد الامر في المجلس ام سيتم طي الموضوع كما حدث في حالات سابقة تحت بند "احنا خيخة و رقلات" ......؟!؟!؟
يمكن يطلع لنا واحد من الايرانيين و يقول لنا: "بابا.... هازا كشماراه.....!!! لا يسوي هبة كبيرة......؟!؟!؟" يعني صج الحمدلله انه ولدنا ما راح وطي بس احنا ما نبي نكرر الاهمال الي ادى الى استشهاد الرفاعي في اسبانيا في الثمانينات الي لا يزال قتلته احرارا طلقاء.....!!!؟
لو سمو الامير يقط الفلوس الي مسربتها على الحملة في بناء محطات يديدة مو أحسن......؟!؟!؟

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Anal sex is Khhheeee.......!!!

I don't like Opera, cause she's a racist, and I don't like Dr. Fozia Al-Durai3, cause she would say anything to support her point even if it was wrong and stupid.......!!!

yesterday by mistake I was talking with my younger brother when I accidentally heard the word "صرم" Anus, so I kept an ear pointed at the TV, and I heard things that are retardic in general.......!!!

like Adam and Eve descended because they had anal sex.......!!!

sperms grow like sea monkeys in the prostates, where they feed on fecal "supplements"........!!!

she didn't say that seamen would grow to babies, but her face looked like stating it......!!!

anal sex is a way of gayness......!!! so if you had anal sex then you are gay(not the country).....?!?!

hair around the anus is responsible for pleasure......!!!

catholics tryed it when the church forbid the use of condoms........!!!

I'll watch it again to give a final thought on it......!!!

Quick quiz: of the three, who had Anal Sex.......?!?!
P.S.there could be more than one.....!!!

but I'll give her a tip....

if she wants people to stop doing anal sex, she should have showed us this picture (the picture was removed cause of the vomit)......!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

The War on Purgatory.......!!!

since Safat is in borrrrrring mode.....!!!

and since Purg have crossed the line with Maze, spreading rumors of me and Maze being perverted while the truth is that I AM A PERVERT, and he should've stated that, for that, and nothing else, we declare the 2nd Safat War, War of the Pervs........!!!
now you choose the side you want to defend.......!!!
may the best CAT win......!!!

Monday, June 11, 2007

في بلادي(نسخة بيتا)......؟!؟!؟


الى اصحاب المعالي و المقالات و العناء


الى نواب الدوالي و السكر و الضغظ و الغثاء


نداء الى شعب التسالي و الكسل و الغواء


الكويت اليوم تنادي

فهل من ملبٍ للنداء

هل من مجيب للدعاء

هل من حقن للدماء

يا رعاع

ثكنة صارت بلادي

نكتة هي للأعادي

من تنادي....؟!؟!؟

مرتع كانت بلادي


عصبة صارت و مالت للحرامي

و ابن عم اصله رمز البلاد

اهو ذنبي

انه يدعي بهتا ان بلادي

تكره الحق و تغتال شبابي

اهو ذنبي

انه ينصر ظلما سراق المصافي

و صدقاتي

و حسناتي

يا منادي

تعب الرأس من صراخ و عياء

هده القهر على جنبات الطريق

نصحو نستفيق

على صراخ الغريق

كان يسبح "ملتزما"....!!!؟

مثقف فينا اسما

فاته لافتة الطريق

من تنادي

الحمار في مجلس بلادي

ام ثوره النازل نطحا

الصاعد بطحا

ام تيسه الماسك نحرا

في بلادي

الماسك على الدستور

كقابض على كلب مسعور

فيم تبالي

قنادرة صارت توالي

من يبتدع فينا الهوالي

لا تبالي

صرنا فِلما لا يمل

لا يبل

بل هبل

ننشد التاريخ ربا

نرجع من عين معتقل

في بلادي

ارث شهدائي

و ابطالي الاوفياء

ينسى قسرا

ينسى جهرا

يغرق في وسط الرياء

نصرخ للأرض فداء

نصبح كلابا اشقياء

نلقب سخفاء اغبياء

في بلادي

من يحب

اصبح في وسط مطب

بين حرمة طبطباطب

و بين مكروه القباقب

يا مـ@ـا&ـب

في بلادي

Purg, Maze, KM, she is mine........!!!

O.K since every one is fighting over Paris Hilton when she comes to Kuwait, I found this.... this WOMAN, and quit frankly she is HOT.......!!!

I'd learn french just to know what she's talking about...... naaaaaaah.....!!!

now if it gets me to meet her...... Parlivous Franceue......?!?!

so what do you think......?!?!

this Goddess, is called Melissa Theuriau, a french news anchor, that mesmerised hundreds of thousands of people around the globe, there is now a cult for her, I only saw her through a link yesterday and in mere minutes I was swept away by her beauty......!!!

so hands off guys, she is taken.... finders keepers......!!!

Madmouazil Melissa, Jeswe Abdulaziz, Jeswe Kueitian, Jotem monamee, la koskolevou wallahi jotem.....!!!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

خضير العنزي و باريس هلتون.....!!!

النائب السوبرمان الاقدع القدعان بطل الابطال حكيم الزمان خضير بوند العنزي راح يقيم ندوة و بيحط فلم سينمائي يعرض فيه انجازاته التاريخية و اداءه الامبراطوري الفائق الاداء في المجلس و الحياة بشكل خاص، و راح يحط مؤثرات صوتية و جراقيات و يوزع خرفان و يعزم على البعارين، و راح ينبسطون الناس اخر بسطنة، انشاء الله بس ما تكون انجازاته مطارة الجاي او ماي السبيل الي حاطه يم بيتهم، او شلون رفع ايده اليمين و فرد صبعه بوجه جيوب الظلام و قام ينقف.......!!!؟

يا شباب نبي واحد يضحي بنفسه و يروح يشوف او يصور الندوة هذي متحسف ليش بتفوتني.......!!!؟

الكنادرة سيتي

من بعد العجمان و العوازم و المطران و كل فصيل او فخذ او صبع في الكويت يأتينا اليوم اخر انتاجات الدمقراطية الكويتية الحديثة و المبسترة، كنادرة سيتي تقدم اخر التطلعات في مزيد من اعهار للحركة السياسية و التنموية في الكويت......!!!؟

من جهة ما ينلامون، فالمتردية و النطيحة سوت انتخابات فرعية على ظهورنا من سنين و بمباركة شيوخنا الفواضل الي اهم اول من بدأ الانتخابات الفرعية بدءا من التوزير و انتهاءا بالتسفير.......!!!؟

الكنادرة يدورون مصلحتهم بهالزمن، حيث ان المستغرب هو انهم تأخروا كل هالسنين حتى فهموا المعادلة، الكنادرة الآن ينضمون لأحدث طبقة في الكويت، و هي طبقة من سبق لبق، يذكر انه من المتوقع ان تقوم عوايل اخرى بالحذو بخطوات الكنادرة و من سبقوهم، في حين ينتظر ان يقوم الصعايدة بتنظيم انتخابات قبلية و فرعية لأنتخاب ملك الصعايدة في الخبر و تعيينه اميرا للحركة في الكويت بالتعيين.....!!!؟

الكنادرة الان مجرد اسفين جديد يدق في نعش الديموقراطية الصباحية، لأن الناس ملت و طفح فيها الكيل، طبعا يبلنا 5 سنين بعد من الانحدار حتى تبدي الناس و بقية البهائم تحس انه في شي غلط، و لكن اتوقع مساومة جديدة من نوعية اسقاط قروض مقابل ان ناكل خرى، تمرر اثناء او قبل مشاريع حيوية، و قد تستخدم ككرت هروب و تشتيت عند ظهور فضايح من العيار الثقيل.......!!!؟

الكويت تقطع و تجزء من قبل هؤلاء البهائم، و بدلا من التماسك و الالتحام في لبنة الوطن و الارض، يقوم البدو و العجم و غيرهم بالتشرذم متحدين القانون طبعا بمباركة شيوخنا الكرام.......!!!؟

تحت وابل من الدموع تلتقى باريس هلتون بزميلاتها الجدد في مسلسلها الواقعي المثلية غصبا عن الي خلفوك.....!!!؟

باريس انقطت بالسجن و عسى يعطونها الصافي و المفيد في التزييت و التجفيت، و ترد لنا مخلوق جديد مفعم بالحب و الرومانسية و عدم الاستهبال، عجبتني كلمة المأمور لما طمئن الصحافة انه سيتم مراقبة باريس حتى لو تقوم بايذاء نفسها بنفسها، يعني ليش تاخذ شغل غيرها، عملية تنفيع رهيبة، طبعا اتمنى لو احد يصور الاحداث هذي لأنها راح تكون مثيرة للغاية على الاقل احسن من مجابل حديقة الحيوان الي على البحر.....!!!؟

خلصت كلامي

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Ocean's 13 good, Wicker Man suck......!!!

had our movie night yesterday with Moey,

Ocean's 13 is good, and I recommend it to every one, one of the best movies this year, a complete update with pics later today.....!!!

also Wicker Man sucks big time, and all I have to say is: "WOMEN"......!!!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The First JapaneseSpeech Contest in Kuwait.......!!!

Embassy of Japan in the State of Kuwait will hold the First JapaneseSpeech Contest in Kuwait in coordinattion with Center for Community Service and Continuing Education, Kuwait University.

Kuwait students who study Japanese language in the center deliver theirspeech in Japanese.

We hope that you come to cheer them up if you have a time.

Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2007, from 7pm to 9pm

Ceremonial Hall in Khalediya Campus, Kuwait University (the building opposite side of the library building in Khalediya Campus)

Center will prepare a small buffet

For further information, please contact the embassy

(Mr. Sasaki (Ext:29) or Mr. Kaneko (Ext: 18))

Koji Kaneko (金子耕司)

Embassy of Japan in Kuwaitoffice: +965-5312870 (ext:18)

mobile: +965-9031769

the program will also contain a Kendo performance, so don't miss it....!!!

Safat's 30th bloggers meeting......!!!

same time same place people, June 7th marks the 30th meeting for Safat......!!!

yep 2 and a half years have passed, and you should attend, get a chance to put faces to bloggers that you love, hate, or worship......!!!

I'm getting old for this, wanna come, go there......!!!

I want to do a documentary on the Safat Blogger Sphere, anyone interested or wants to be filmed and interviewed can send me an e-mail......!!!

next meeting I'll be bringing with me the Rababas and the Documentary we're making right now so stay tuned.....!!!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Arabology 101......!!!

the only thing now preventing me from posting a rage slasher against "KPzoo" is whats happening in Lebanon.....!!!

I never been there, but I raised nothing but utmost respect to the people, I love Lebanon, even though I don't know that many Lebanese friends.....!!!

to see a screw up like Hassan N. turn the blaze on the fabric of the unity in Lebanon is carving my heart and pride......!!!

I don't care if he is a descendant of the Prophet "peace be upon him", what good came of him if death, misery, and suffering was all he had to give his people, fuck that, why should he be treated with royalty because of his alleged decent of the the "Rasool", nowadays, every sicko/bastard/butcher claim he is from the Prophet's linage......!!!

Saddam was one, we have one in Safat claiming he is too, (the Egyptian bodybuilding, martial gay guitarist artist ISLAM)......!!!
and all of them share something, they are all fucked in the ass, and damaged their brains badly as an outcome.....!!!

Hassan N. stole the liberation of "Janoob" years ago to gain ground in the political race, he dragged Lebanon to a one sided massacre (although all massacres are one sided), he dragged Lebanon to be bombed by every rocket and fire the Israelis through with no retaliation (unless Katusha is counted which didn't do shit for shitter) now some will say that the Israelis lost billions of dollars due to the war, but for fucks sake...... Lebanese people are more important than two solders, two billion or two bucks ain't worth the life of a single Lebanese kid, try to fathom what I say people, Fuck this Arab mentality that reduces the lives of humans to mere cattle heads and goats......!!!

even now, a greater assholes of galactic proportions, started fighting in the name of God, now, just to be on the safe side.....

they call themselves "Fat'h al-Islam", which at first you as a sane person would think they are Muslims, and have a relation with "Fat'h" the Palestinian movement, since they are Muslims, and are in Lebanon, they are either Palestinians and from time to time will try to fend Israelis as they are the enemy by heritage and boredom.......!!!

yeah will you were wrong just about EVERY GOD DAMN THING......!!!

now what was the first thing to do when a greenhorn group wants to be on TV......!!!

they started attacking Lebanese forces, the Lebanese army......!!! in Lebanon, and for what.....?!?!

their leader must be suffering from a mother fucking bad ass case of cross eyed vision.......!!! cause the mother fucker couldn't differentiate between Lebanese and Israelis, they start killing and attacking the Lebanese on Lebanese ground, and here is the fucking thing.... turns out they are not Palestinians for us to somehow connect some string, but Saudis, north Africans, and from other Islamic countries......?!?!

now why the fuck would these people want... coming to Lebanon and killing the people, you'd think they'd attack the Israelis, try something Arabiotic, but nooooooo....

we'll show the Israelis how fucked up the Arabs can get, and not only in Lebanon, but also under their nose, where Fat'h and Hamas fuck each other more openly to the press now.....!!!

they used to tip off the Israelis on the location of undesired opposition that coincidentally the Israelis wanted to puff-go......!!!

now, they don't need Israelis to rape-kill each other, they show the world how Islamic they can be......!!!

I am ashamed of being an Arab, fuck yeah, you heard me, I'm ashamed, we are but a mere fucked up delinquent goat fucking retards, that if we thought we were educated we'd reach a point were our assholes can't contain the shit that we are full of it......!!!

fuck, the Zalamat think that they are the most educated and most enlightened beings in the world, and the Khalejien think that with money you can buy the respect of others, and the Egyptians think they are humans, and other North African Arabs think they are french for some reason, and the other nobodies have their issues of not being white.......!!!

while the truth is, Zalamat have such bad manner that no matter how high your education, you're still a rude asshole, while Khalaijah (as demeaned by the Zalamat) have yet to gain their self respect before buying it, and no Egyptians are not humans, nor have the greatest civilization, Abualhole is not Masri, he's Pharaonic, those who rule the Nile now aren't the descendants of Pharaohs no matter how fucking they repress the people, the North Africans are not french France ran away after their demise, Zidane is not Algerian, he's french.....!!!

the fact that he was going to play for Algerian youth team, but rejected doesn't give a nation the right in his development, HE had the talent, yet if he was to play under the Algerian jersey we wouldn't have ever heard his name.......!!!

Nubian and others, I have nothing for them to say except go fuck yourselves, for killing and bestowing hell on earth in darfore and other places.....!!!

and me.....!!!

I nag a lot, I'm a fat lazy psycho, who is a racist, sexist supremacist gay phobic (not fear, hate), not that open minded or liberal, kinder phobic, self praising-better than everyone-entity, I swear like a mother fucker, I hate and hate, till it consumes me......!!!

fuck you and fuck every one, I won't quit, and will continue to irritate the living shit that you are......!!!