Every day I get hundreds of E-mails about gadgets, toys, equipments, enhancers, enlargers, enforcers, beholders, upholders,improvers, inducers, indulgers, psudopores, artilators,fagobusters, lacers, hornicups, dildos, cliphornias, gigandolls, lollipop condoms, fuckfish fetish, puffbabes, surrynami fuck dolls, voodoo pleasure dolls, Iranian sex marble rings, and jegilion other products that causing me my hair just from thinking how do they function and on whom.....?!?!
which remind me by the way... of our current subject...
just kidding, actually we really really need to know that there are people who do actually read what we post...
now for the Erotic part...
I don't know how that happened, but there is a big gap between the Andalusian era of Islamic civilization and the 1800 of the Arab nations...
I think that every one has a good pic of what it was like at that time: every one is clean,cozy, polite, humble, lots of legal sex in the city, gardens all over the place science was the language and of course arts....and we tag in the rival: dirt and sand every where, every one is poor, miserable life, no money no Honey, nobody can read; how could they they don't have money to buy paper... so how did that happen, every one knows that when a era of a nation ends it doesn't go backward, it simply slow it's pace or actually can't follow the other nations, but why that didn't happen to our case, why we became Bedouins and camel fuckers (I don't know from where did they brought it but no one not even camels dig this thing).....?!?!
some people still think these times were the best....?!?!
and get that straight if you are one of those people....
whats lovely or fine is it in riding small boat full of horny horny horny grumpy men, and sail to shallow sea for 4 months without getting laid, dive in shark infested area just to pick up oysters (not to be used as food, but to play a gamble game called "Find the fucking DANNA") and if u succeed in avoiding stupid shark(Yar'yoor) taste bite (usually in a crucial fatal area),you have to take care and watch your back cause in the sea you are in a PRISON where fucking your ass is the goal of every "seaman", and don't tell me that you start your career by becoming a "El'Seeb" السـيب cause that mean that you're thee Geisha of the ship were you'll be firstly introduced to the "Nokhetha" or captain of the ship, and this guy make Bueno excellentee* (of Hitman comics) look like a school girl eyeing boys in the hood....!!!
you see this guy will be a horny midget(some say tall) fat bastard that don't lack hair nor pimples and has eccentric scenes of nature inside the tent that we call "Wo'zaar"....and in the case that Nokhetha is straight (every one in Kuwait is straight but have tetrasexual desires) nobody fucks nobody until the situation were masturbation would be on public view, and the shark feed on seamen rather that seamen and fish....!!!
in that case a scape goat would be available(just kidding although I met some goat fuckers), this goat is the Stingray, the stingray fish is called "Lokh'ma" no need to describe it (I'm getting sick... have to rap it up quickly) is seduced by the seamen to come aboard, but on refusal some stick and angry horny seaman would do the job of escorting the bride of the "Boom" (name of the ship type)....!!!
so why did they choose the poor stingray(female of course ) to do this type of indulgence.....?!?!

well some sick bastards once told me that the vagina of that fish is identical to a woman's (please don't try this at home or in public it's not like the sick dude in American Pie), and for that fact seaman have their way with the fish...
the bride well go to the Nokhetha to please him first (u don't want a loony horny sick nokhy on your back... do u....!!!), then going downward according to rank and age and hornistic levels.....!!!
in the end what do u expect of a generation raised by stingray fuckers.....?!?!(that was quick)
enough said....
*Bueno excelentee is a super hero with supreme pervertism as his power....!!!
next episode:
how to seduce the stingray and make it horny....!!!