Tuesday, January 22, 2013

She died last night!


She Died Last Night!

She died, last night
Just as the dawn began, her life faded away
She died in the arms of no one
And no one killed her
She died from exhaustion and emptiness,
waiting to be loved and not forgotten
She died, and with her died the light in the eyes
The light of all life
She died, last night
Just as the dawn began...
And as her eyes closed, for the last time
Her spirit flew to the arms of the Sea

To the sweet embrace of Nothing
And, swallowed by a wave
She departed this world, never to be seen again
Just as the dawn began.


Nada Faris said...

I see the religious metacommentary there. I like the cadence and flow of words. Keep at it.

EXzombie said...

Thanks deat for the kind words