i swear I DO need help....!!!
the dude next to me is my shirazi cat "Dr.Zoidberg" , my exp. with animals in general is lower than average but cats were my favourate pets from my childhood... now to cut it short....
this cat sleeps more than polar bears, in fact since ha came 2 months ago (he's 4 now) i sow him awake for 2 hours twice, and thats it.... he's usually awake for 30 minutes at most unliss playing is involved which could last for an hour...
this is strange because he dosn't eat much (my target was a half a can of felix cat food + half what i eat...!)

a thing cought my mind also is that the doc dont know how to jump until now....?!?!
r there any one whose intristed in cats and can help me wake the dude up.....!!!
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Me have not much of an idea (hmm actually none) about cats coz i never raised one :} .. BUT me love them
the doc is one cute cat mashallah :D:D soooooooooooooooooo cute
chigirlia waza mater wed us....!!!
we like cats dont know a damn thing about dem, me raising 2 male cats which is a bit hard considering that today thier little "mistress" (jasmine-white shirazi)will join them for the first time and meaning that my room will be the stage for cat porno movies.....?!?!?!
and ignooooring the last comments, i advise u not to waste any time and go get ur self a nice cute kitten that would be the star of ur house.....!!!
good luck...
p.s. with cats we r the pets not them....?!?!?! u'll know why soon...!!!
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CUTE cat eyaaanin
Nooooooooni welcome to humble blog...
yeah za 6oktor is happy now coz i brought him a nice snow white angle whom i call "Jasmin"....!!!
i think this cat was horny as hell, and that was the reason he didn't care about food....!!!
he didn't stop humping (try to hump to be exact)her since the time he saw she didn't have a gun in the rear view.....!!!
horny as hell
I can notice those spelling mistakes. haha a human being does develop! A huge difference between you now & then. Best of luck.
yep at that time spell check programs hadn't been invented and my vocabulary wasn't on par!
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