will fuck that, I will say something on that matter later....!!!
yesterday was my first try on the wii.....!!!
the least I can say is SUGOOOOOOOI, I lost 5 KG just from the Boxing game, which now my record stand is 6-1, yeah and try to face 4 guys who did thier share on the game, kept playing me on the fatigue part, but I managed well, lost the last match against Faisal due to fatigue.... but the hardist match was the rematch between me and Hisham..... boy I really was pressured, knocking the wind out of me twice but I was Mr. T.....!!!

ok, after that we tryed the "Blue ray" Lady in the Water, and to tell you the trueth, I didn't see that resolution and hightened quality every one is talking about.......!!!
the movie was the same as the not so blue eddition.....!!!
what else....!!!
nothing, O.K. see ya soon....!!!
oh my gosh you said the F word only once?! are you for real? leeeeesh? 3asa ma shar :P
I challenge you to a wii-boxing match!
3abbood's shoe,
I must've been drunk or something....!!!
hows tanta.....?!?!
you're on, just tell me where and when......?!?!
nawaret el kuwait!!
3aboods shoe!!!! .. ha ha ha, you need more syrup on this one
tanta, walla a7san ekhtera3 enwejad 3ala il arth , il sayara min gheerah ma teswa fils.
mnawra bew joodik my friend...
I don't use syrup, I prefer condenced milk......!!!
and hahaha, why did you run away from the quistion......?!?!
you know I ment tantalise....!!!
and cars are cars with and without tantas.....!!!
condensed milk is good too, sweet enough..
and i didn't run away, seriously a car without tanta ma teswa ..
So you mean Tantalize? check his blog if you are interested ;) ana shako !
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