I came a cross this hilarious conversation between this asshole "Ahmad" and the Positive-negative guy, while I was searching for the camel fuck post......!!!
the conversation cracked me up till the point my tears came out of my nostrils....
enjoy the show.....
Feel the luxAry!
ahmad_23>or man
ahmad_23>r u still virgan
negpos>yes - but i suck 100 dicks a day
ahmad_23>how u licking
negpos>they're camel dicks
ahmad_23>do u like to licking
negpos>yes - hard camel dicks make me get all horny
ahmad_23>do u like to lick my dick
negpos>no - your dick smells like a dead, bloated woodchuck leaking viscous liquid on the side of the road
negpos>why would you care if i'm a virgin if you're looking for a slut?
ahmad_23>u wrong
ahmad_23>im always
ahmad_23>and it is very smoth
ahmad_23>and softly dick
ahmad_23>and what about ur pussy
negpos>your dick is soft? and you're BRAGGING?
negpos>why did you ask me if i'm a virgin, then you ask me questions as though i'm a whore?
negpos> don't you want to hear about my camel dick sucking stories?
ahmad_23>im with u
negpos>well - one time i was sucking this camel's dick - it must have been about 24 inches long - and it blew about a gallon of semen all over my face - does that make you hot?
ahmad_23> is that make
ahmad_23>u hot
negpos>very hot - how about you ?
negpos>that's too bad - bye
ahmad_23>i like to be
ahmad_23>hot with
ahmad_23>do u like that
negpos>even though i suck 100 camel dicks a day ?
negpos>and i'm a smurf? can your softly dick handle me? i'm only three apples high
ahmad_23>i like that
ahmad_23>do u like to lick ur pussy
negpos>yes - i've very flexible and i lick my own pussy
negpos>because i have no vertebrae
negpos>because i'm a sea anemone
ahmad_23>i like to lick ur pussy
ahmad_23>can i
ahmad_23>do this
negpos>yes - you can lick my sea anemone pussy while i suck camel dicks
negpos>can i put an pine cone in your butt?
ahmad_23>why not
ahmad_23>do u like
ahmad_23>the hard licking
ahmad_23>or softly licking
negpos>i like the hardly licking and the softly dicks and much much camel dicksucking
ahmad_23>my dicks
ahmad_23>is very big
ahmad_23>and large
negpos>all of them ?
negpos>all of your dicks are big and large and massive and grand and colossal and copious and immense and sizable and vast and voluminous and above average in size?
negpos>i bet camels have bigger dicks than you
ahmad_23>and if u see it u like it to much
ahmad_23>i swear
ahmad_23>do u have a big breast
negpos>yes - i have a big breast - but only one
ahmad_23>i like to bite ur nipples
negpos>i like to bite apples
ahmad_23>and i like to rub it
negpos>you like to rub apples? yeah - it makes them all shiny -- god you're making me so horny
ahmad_23>and i like to put my dicks onit
negpos>how many of your dicks are you going to put on my single breast?
ahmad_23>i like to licking u from ur neak
ahmad_23>and to kiss ur lips
negpos>i don't have any
ahmad_23>and to huge
ahmad_23>u to my body very tigth
ahmad_23>and i like
ahmad_23>to kiss ur tommy
negpos>i would hope it's tight - i'm a smurf - i should be tight even if your dicks are softly
ahmad_23>very softly
negpos>that's a sad story
negpos>don't they have viagra there?
ahmad_23>i like
ahmad_23>u to lick
ahmad_23>it for me
ahmad_23>very hard
negpos>you want me to lick your soft dick very hard?
ahmad_23>i like
ahmad_23>and i like
ahmad_23>to catch
ahmad_23>ur hair
ahmad_23>and make
negpos>a basket?
ahmad_23>ur head to move
negpos>what will you use to catch my hair? a trap ?
ahmad_23>on my dick
negpos>how am i supposed to move my head on your soft dick if i'm trying to suck off 100 camels?
ahmad_23>to make
ahmad_23>to feel
ahmad_23>with me
negpos>but my hair has no nerve endings - how is my hair supposed to feel sex more?ahmad_23> not u hair
ahmad_23>feel sex
ahmad_23>but if i catch ur hair
ahmad_23>very tigth
ahmad_23>and make
ahmad_23>u licking
ahmad_23>my dick
ahmad_23>u feel sex more
ahmad_23>and im feel sex more
negpos>well - your soft dick isn't helping matters
negpos>yes - it's not helping matters
negpos>if it weren't for soft dicks like all of yours i wouldn't have to resort to sucking camels off
ahmad_23>belive me
negpos>oh - i believe you - i'm sure your dicks are very soft
ahmad_23>u well
ahmad_23>be happy
ahmad_23>with me
ahmad_23>if i do sex
ahmad_23>with u
negpos>can i put ants on your dick?
negpos>will you let me?
negpos>it will make my pussy wet if you let me put biting angry red ants on your dick
ahmad_23>to feel sex more
negpos>oh trust me - you'll feel it alright
ahmad_23>and i like to put
ahmad_23>some of hunny
ahmad_23>ur pusy
ahmad_23>to start licking u
ahmad_23>very hard
negpos>how about i put some honey on your dick and let angry wasps sting it
ahmad_23>and i like to play by my fingers in ur pussy
negpos>that would make my pussy so wet if you let bees sting your dick
ahmad_23>and to licking and kissing
ahmad_23>its nice
negpos>i have no legs, by the way
ahmad_23>and u can feel sex more
negpos>yes - i can feel sex so much more now that i have no legs to get in the way
ahmad_23>i like
ahmad_23>and start
ahmad_23>take off ur clothes and start licking u
ahmad_23>from ur face
negpos>oh baby - i want your ant covered soft dick between my no-legs
ahmad_23>for ur neak and ur breast and bite u from therer
ahmad_23>very hard and softly
negpos>which? hard or soft?
negpos>see - they mean totally opposite things
ahmad_23>im comeing
ahmad_23>to ur tomy
negpos>tomy is a brand of toys - please don't spooge on the toys - that's inappropriate
ahmad_23>and i want to put
ahmad_23>the hunny
ahmad_23>on it
ahmad_23>and start licking
ahmad_23>i want to bite
ahmad_23>it very hard
negpos>bite it off
negpos>chew up and swallow my tit
negpos>mmmmm tit meats
ahmad_23>i want toeat and bite ur pussy
negpos>do you want my vaginal dentata to bite you back?
ahmad_23>and than i want to kis ur legs and ur knee and ur foot
ahmad_23>and i want to licking ur toes
negpos>i think we established that i don't have any - but if you want to, you can see them over there in the formaldehyde vats in the corner
negpos>i don't think you'd want to lick them though - they've been in there for about 15 years
ahmad_23>1 by 1 and i want tolickingur back and i want to lick ur ass very hard and softly and than i want to put my dick in ur pussy
negpos>i'm a man
negpos>i know i lied and said i was a smurf - but i'm sorry to say i'm not
ahmad_23>dont worry
negpos>you don't mind that i'm a legless wanna-be smurf-man who sucks 100 camel dicks a day?
negpos>i love you
ahmad_23>i hate u
negpos>oh baby - don't be like that - if you were ok with me sucking 100 camel dicks a day, how much worse could me being a man make things?
ahmad_23>because u
negpos>did you blow your load yet?
negpos>it sounded like you were getting really close
negpos>i'm sorry i told you i was a smurf - i know smurfs are much sexier than men - but i just wanted to pretend
ahmad_23>ok what do u want now
negpos>did you cum yet?
negpos>thanks for correcting me - i know my english isn't very good
ahmad_23>ok bye
now I don't know why, but that dude reminds me of my brother, whose name is also ahmad, and has this cheezy engleeze thingy when ever he sends me msgs....!!!
hope you liked it....
I typed alot of LOOOOOOOOOL's that they're not showing!!!
Negpos is my kinda smurf!!!
I wonder what they'd call him in the arabic translation??
Hahahaha I am somewhat ashamed to admit that this seriously had me crying out with laughter and gasping for air!!!
Gigi, appreciatively!
dear bubble gum crises....
I'm glad you enjoyed it, and believe me you don't want to see me when I read it for the first time.....!!!
I even called my brother and told him about the story and he went and saw the post and he couldn't speak for a whole hour from trying to gasp and breath....!!!
dear gigi....
that bin kalb really made my day....
I hope more of the ahmad efforts to hook the smurf continues.....
glad you liked it....
and thanks to the guys working at +&- ....
Truly that was so funny, I haven't laughed like this along time a go. This conversation needs to be saved and read each time someone wants to laugh.
dear diver,
glad you liked it....
and I'm taking your point into consideration.....
& at last "negpos>thanks for correcting me - i know my english isn't very good"
omg lolol
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