Do you remember the first time you ate chockolate....?!?!
do you remember the first time you ever felt love.....?!?!
do you remember the first time you scored a goal....?!?!
do you remember the first time you got a full grade or an A.....?!?!
do you remember the first time you smoked (cigi or hash)......?!?!
do you remember the first Eid.....?!?!
and the first toys you ever bought with your Eidia.....?!?!
do you remember the first berthday where all your school friends were invited to....?!?!
do you remember your first date.....?!?!
do you remember your first kiss.......?!?!
do you remember your first time having sex (the real one not what you told your friends about).....?!?!
do you remember your first fight.....?!?!
do you remember your first graduation.....?!?!
do you remember your first friend.....?!?!
do you remember your first film you ever watched......?!?!
do you remember your first time you ever saw snow.....?!?!
do you remember the first time you ever drown in water.....?!?!
do you remember the first time you burned your finger......?!?!?!
do you remember the first time you electricuted your self.....?!?!
do you remember the first time you drove the car alone......?!?!
do you remember the first time you fought with your brother/sister.....?!?!
do you remember the first time you went to a soccer match.....?!?!
do you remember the first gift.....?!?!
do you remember the first time you talked with some one and realised that you were in love with that some one.....?!?!
do you remember the first time you cryed.....?!?!
do you remember your first trip outside your homeland.....?!?!
do your remember the first day of school....?!?!
do you remember your grandparent/s death....?!?!
do you remember the first joke you ever laughed at.....?!?!
all these incidents came to my mind when I saw the snow .....
it's freeziong as the askimo and I have no heating either..... so I blog to keep my fingers warm.....!!!
one last thought.....
love is something I can't grasp or understand.....
I think I fell in love so many times, and I believe each time I got hurt from it, my belief and trust weakens......?!?! now each time I am with some one the thought of loyalty and trust overshadows every conversation......!!!
some times I don't express who I realy am because the only thought that comes to my mind is that she is not that serious.....?!?!
this was my once a year sissy talk to you people.........!!!
just kidding.....
I want to express my disapointment in love this year, but I don't know if I have the guts to talk about it..... you see my greatest fear in writing is talking about my true feelings..........!!!
I will end my chrismas post with this note....
I gave up on us, before you gave up on me.....
good luck with your exams.....
you know your self....
BEST OF WISHES TO YOU ALL, good luck with those who have exams, finished exams, or preparing... and may the year 2006 be of more succes and joy and happy events to you all.....
كل عام و انتو بخير
وانت بخير وصحة وسلامة
وسلامتك من البرد
:) o enta b5air... eshtarlik dafaya and be a good boy :P
الله يسلمك
بس ما رديت على الـ30 سؤال الي سئلتهم بالاول.....؟!؟!؟
I bought one today.....!!!
thank god...
and do answer the queistions... consider them as a tag and answer them.... wait a minute, that's a good idea....?!?!
:P Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Not now :P i've got EXAMS X(
Dear ExZombie,
Those were a lot of questions... I remember most :)
But I think you're once a year revelation was very moving...
We may read about empires bieng destroyed in history books, and thousads that die in battle and not be moved.... these things are far removed from us...
But an anecdote, like yours, is a recurring theme in all of our lives... and that is why it is so moving. Though you may know the full meaning of what is written, it does have a hidden meaning in all of us..
So buddy... do not despair... You are not alone.
I will leave you with these choice words from Housman. Though I do not know your story. You may, like I have, find some hidden meaning within it.
Because I liked you better
Than suits a man to say,
It irked you, and I promised
To throw the thought away.
To put the world between us
We parted, stiff and dry;
`Good-bye,' said you, `forget me.'
`I will, no fear', said I.
If here, where clover whitens
The dead man's knoll, you pass,
And no tall flower to meet you
Starts in the trefoiled grass,
Halt by the headstone naming
The heart no longer stirred,
And say the lad that loved you
Was one that kept his word.
OK I'll only answer some, the others are either a simple "yes" or "no".
7-It doesn't apply, I always celebrate my birthday with the family.
16-If you mean "drown" as in "going to die in water" then no, but if you mean the first time I tried to swim then yes.
18-And will never forget.
24-I was a kid, so how can I remember?
25-The same answer.
Dear exzombie,
Great you have your RSS feed on!
i can only recall 2 or tree of those firsts.
Memories ... That's all you keep . So choose your memories . Not only do we forget because of time . Sometimes we forget because we wanna forget , or need to forget . We forget to move on . So choose to remember how the chocolate tasted like and choose to forget how the toothache felt like . It's in your hands .
And "I gave up on us, before you gave up on me." is a great strategy not to get hurt . Yeah you'd never lose if you never try . But remembr that sometimes the greatest risk in life could be not taking one .
Have a lovely joyful happy new year ;)
numiro uno... happy birthday to you
dui...answer me when you finish the exams....
My friend Misguided...
thanks for your worm comment...
your poem hit the jackpot....
and I return to you a poem by edgar allan poe called "Alone" :
From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were - I have not seen
As others saw - I could not bring
My passions from a common spring -
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow - I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone -
And all I lov'd - _I_ lov'd alone -
_Then_ - in my childhood - in the dawn
Of a most stormy life - was drawn
From ev'ry depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still -
From the torrent, or the fountain -
From the red cliff of the mountain -
From the sun that 'round me roll'd
In its autumn tint of gold -
From the lightning in the sky
As it pass'd me flying by -
From the thunder, and the storm -
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view -
thanks again...
idip.... how did you electricuted your self....?!?!
I had to insert my finger in the socket of the fredge's lamp while holding jelly, and I did it again for fun until I broke all the jelly plates........!!!
dear Misguided,
I didn't know I had one....?!?!
but thats good...!!!
thanks buddy...
dear Sabri Hakim,
welcome to my blog, and may I congratulate you on what a fantastic pics you have...
I would like to share with you some of the pics I took in Amman, and would like to know your opinion
on them....
dear Change Destiny,
I would welcome you too to my blog, and I thank you for your heartful response....
for me these images or memories are carved in my brain, my heart and soul.... along with other experiences these incedents carved some of my personality or what I am....!!!
as for "I gave up on us...", I already lost so there arn't a way to avoid getting hurt since we already got hurt....
I did try, and I'm not afraid to try again, and my main problem isn't in trying or searching for love..... it's in trusting love, I became numb from all the relationships I went through, thats why I don't strugle or defend love because I don't think it's worth fighting for if trust is damaged....
I will say the same to you and thanks my dear, have a prosperous and fruitful new year....
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