I will pass by the same houses that I used to pick my share of the candies from.....!!!
so if you're living in Nuzha don't be frieghtened if a 27 year old "kid" shouts "Salam waladhom yalla khalhalomma yallah".....!!!
my main target will be finding as much Milco (حلاو بو البقر) as possible.....!!!
the Picture was taken by the gifted Nescafe
care to join me.....?!?!
I might take some pictures and maybe post them even.....!!!
la tensany... :)
Dear Judy,
every one now for himself, I'll go there and take as much as I can, and if I come across kids I'll take all their candies.....!!!
Mwah ha hah haaaaaaa.......!!!
"Salam waladhom yalla khalhalomma yallah"
sallem waladhom yalla "khalalomma" ;-)
beit khali ya3toon 3ala khams dananeer, block 3 ;-p
so how did it go?!
went great but couldn't take any photos....!!!
somehow the idea of a 27 year old knocking on your door carrying a camera isn't that funny no more.....?!?!
yeah and the "khalhalomma" is just how we say it.....!!!
we didn't realize the relation between "waladhoom" and "khalhalomma" untill it was too late to start changing it.....!!!
LOL sounds like fun.
How did it go?
Dear Miyafushi,
it was great, I raided few houses in Jabria, and Nuzha, and I even traded candy with kids.....!!!
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